日积所得 子瑜-知行茶舍


远陂春草绿,犹有水禽飞。水水山山处处明明秀秀,晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇。 子瑜 发表于


The lush and green grass sways in the wind, and the birds are flying all around me. The sun shines into the grass and its burning my eyes. Ah, so lovely.


The water and the mountains are distinctive and shiny. Sunny or rainy, it always looks really special.

远陂春草绿,犹有水禽飞。 子瑜 发表于


The lush and green grass sways in the wind, and the birds are flying all around me. The sun shines into the grass and its burning my eyes. Ah, so lovely.


The water and the mountains are distinctive and shiny. Sunny or rainy, it always looks really special.

饮酒 (Drink Wine) 子瑜 发表于

Outside my house, lies a garden, which is very well cared for. Under the fence, I pick up lots of chrysanthemums. It smells pleasant. I look up and see the looming mountain glaring at me. The weather's always nice and lovely, day or night. The birds are here, free and flying.

二十四节气: Twenty-Four Seasons and Weathers Terms. 子瑜 发表于

立春:Spring has began. 雨水:Rain has started. 惊蛰:Animals come out. 春分:Day and night is the exact same time. 清明:The world is turning green. 谷雨:Rain hit me like lightning. 立夏:Sumner has began. 小满:Wheat is expanding. 芒种:The soil is busy. 夏至:The hot weather is coming. 小暑和大暑:Warm,hot, boiling. 立秋:Autumn has Started. 处暑:The hot weather has ended. 白露:Temperture has dropped, and the dew has began. 秋分:Day and night is the exact same time. 寒露:Dew is getting colder. 霜降:The grass has frost. 立冬:Winter has began. 小雪和大雪:Snow has started. 冬至:The coldest weather has began. 小寒和大寒:The cold weather is at its peak.

月出惊山鸟,时鸣春山空。 子瑜 发表于

It's complete darkness, not a sound can be heard. I swear that someone is watching me in the darkness. The mountains beside me stand over me like two enormous guards with a small child between them. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the moon comes out and almost blinds me to death. It's so bright. Almost immediately, the valley starts filling up with the bird's squealing.

昼夜不息 子瑜 发表于



朝代诗歌 子瑜 发表于


卖柑者言 子瑜 发表于


田忌赛马 子瑜 发表于

Once upon a time, there was a person named TianJi who loved to race his horses with QiWeiWang's horses. But, he kept losing to him, and he never won a single match. The race was simple, TianJi's horse vs Qiweiwang's horse (3 times, different horse for every race). Whoever won two times, was the ultimate champion and the loser just tasted failure. Before TianJi started winning, the lineup was TianJi's fastest horse vs QiWeiWang's fastest horse, TianJi's second fastest horse vs QiWeiWang's second fastest horse, TianJi's third fastest horse vs QiWeiWang's third fastest horse. That was the race order before he won any matches. After he lost a lot of matches, TianJi's friend SunZi suggested an idea which was so good, QiWeiWang could taste the failure. His idea was to make

TianJi's fastest horse vs QiWeiWang's second fastest horse, TianJi's second fastest horse vs QiWeiWang's slowest horse, TianJi's slowest horse vs QiWeiWang's fastest horse. Which meant that TianJi would probably win two races and lose one, which still makes him the overall winner. Yay! Not! When TianJi did that tactic, he finally started winning against QiWeiWang which was awesome for TianJi. And that is how TianJi finally beat QiWeiWang in the horse matches.

山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 子瑜 发表于

I trekked across mountains, and saw lots of rivers. I did it for what seemed like forever, and I never gave up searching for a village in a valley. Finally, I came to this wonderful village, which just had an amazing harvest.

宋濂小故事: 子瑜 发表于


经典用词: 子瑜 发表于


北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪。 子瑜 发表于


The North Wind Blows, and the grass cries out with failure. It is August, West China, 763 CE when the snow finally drifts slowly to the ground.

钱塘湖春行 子瑜 发表于






对偶 子瑜 发表于


NBA比赛有多少裁判 子瑜 发表于


三步上篮 子瑜 发表于


A layup is a shot that is near the basket, usually of the backboard. How do you do a layup, you might ask? Well, the thing to remember is that you jump of the foot opposite to your shooting hand. So, if you're laying up with your right hand, you jump off the left foot. Also, when you come towards the basket, pick up your dribble and take two steps. The second step should always be the leg you push off with and jump with. Throughout the entire motion keep the ball on the same side of your body as your shooting hand. So, if you're going to do a layup with your right hand, keep the ball on the right side of your body to protect the ball. When leaving the ground for a layup, always jump straight up rather than out. Beginners should shoot an overhand layup. When laying the ball end. Shoot the ball the same way you would for a normal shot. Keep your dominant hand under the ball and in line with your elbow. Also, use your offhand to maintain the control of the ball. Then you extend upward with your dominant hand. Then you release the ball off your fingertips and follow through. No matter how you shoot, always use the backboard. Always aim for the top right of the backboard to increase your chance of making the shot into the basket. Well does all that answer your question. I hope it does, because that is exactly how you make a layup. Thanks for reading.

《相思》 子瑜 发表于

《相思》唐 王维





中国历史年表 子瑜 发表于

夏 商 周 秦 汉 三国 两晋 南北朝 隋 唐 五代十国 宋 元 明 清 民国 新中国